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Sandu, 一個來自羅馬尼亞首都布卡列思特的鋼琴老師,在巴黎地鐵裏搖身變成一個手風琴手來換取溫飽。

以每天工作八小時計算,Sandu一周在地鐵中行駛的旅程幾乎是巴黎與布卡列思特之間的距離 — 2219公里。 


影片主要攝于巴黎地鐵,一座主人公偶爾去祈禱的教堂和宿舍 - 恰逢當日他的兩個侄子到達巴黎 (兩個吉他手)。


Sandu, a piano teacher from Bucarest, Romania, plays accordion in the Paris metro to earn a living. 

Working eight hours a day, the distance Sandu completes in the metro during a week covers nearly the same distance between Paris and Bucarest (2219km). 

No complicated storyline - apart from those moments during, or, in between those numerous journeys back and forth in between stations of Bercy, Place d’Italie, and Denfert-Rochereau along the metro Line 6 - alone or with his brother, Andrei, a violinist. 

I filmed him mainly in the metro, on the platforms, in a church (where he goes to pray sometimes), and at home (on the day when his two nephews happened to arrive in Paris, two guitarists). 


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