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"俄罗斯总统放生的一只虎,竟然把两国人民都联系了起来“。- 黑龙江萝北林业局陈局长


2014年10月,一只由俄罗斯总统普京亲手放生的,名叫库贾的东北虎横游黑龙江,进入中国境内。通过跟随与记录:中国黑龙江当地林业部门,俄罗斯相关国家政府机构,野生动物保护组织,自然保护区的守林人,历来捍卫俄罗斯帝国边陲的哥萨克骑兵首领,及两国沿途边境的普通百姓,影片在零下二十度的冰天雪地中借着追踪一只野生东北虎的足迹,向您展现世界上人文地理景观最丰富,生态气候最严峻之一的,一条地跨亚欧两大洲的边境 -中俄边境地区的人物故事与历史。 





«A tiger released by the Russian president brings people of these two countries together. » - Mr. Chen (Chief of Luobei Forestry Department, Heilongjiang Province)


In October, 2014, a Siberian tiger named Kuzya which was personally released by the Russian president Vladimir Putin swam across the Amur River (in Chinese « Black Dragon River »), and entered the Chinese territory. Through working closely with the local Russian and Chinese rangers, Special Tiger Inspection (Vladivostock), wildlife conservationists, and the chief of Cossacks (Jewish Autonomous Region), the filmmakers literally followed the footsteps of Kuzya, the tiger, in a severe environment of -20 to -30 degrees. 


The tiger is used as a vehicle for letting unfold the geopolitical dynamics along the Sino-Russian border, and for exploring the unique human and geographical landscape of the Amur-Heilong region, which, partly due to the highly sensitive nature of border region in general, remains relatively unknown. 

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